In addition to providing excellent customer service and maintaining strong profit margins, ensuring your business remains safe and protected against security threats is sure to be a key concern for any business.
This is because around 20 per cent of all recorded crime in the UK directly targets businesses. On top of that, online offences are costing companies up and down the country in excess of £21bn a year.
Thankfully, there are several ways to prevent company and corporate crimes from affecting daily operations and annual turnover.
Carry out a risk assessment
Not knowing or recognising the areas where you are most vulnerable can be incredibly dangerous. Therefore, it is vital to carry out a risk assessment, as this helps you prepare for every eventually and react to crime in the most appropriate way.
Secure the property
From strengthening doors and fitting windows locks to installing better lighting and maintaining outdoor spaces, there are various ways to secure your business premises. You may also want to look at burglar alarm systems and CCTV monitoring systems, as these two measures act as real deterrents and can help to both identify and then prosecute lawbreakers.
Hire a security firm
For the ultimate in corporate security, you should think about hiring a company that specialises in services such as key-holding and mobile patrols. Along with responding to crime in a prompt and proficient way, security firms will be able to provide your business with a tailor-made solution for the best protection possible. There is no one size fits all security solution, every need is different in the real world and depends upon many different factors.
Protect stock and equipment
Be vigilant about protecting your stock and equipment, as losing these expensive assets could have a considerable knock-on effect to cash flow. Perform regular stock takes, identify discrepancies early on, question excessive amounts of voids, carry out regular equipment audits, tag expensive machinery or devices and have a record of serial numbers.
Be aware of internal threats
Security breaches aren’t always external, as members of staff may also be stealing stock or accessing information. Therefore, it is important to check references and establish policies about theft. Access keys and security codes should only be given to trusted parties as well. A remarkable number of crimes against businesses were carried out with the help of an insider according to official figures.
Keep information safe
Client information and employee details can be incredibly damaging if put in the wrong hands, so make sure sensitive documentation is always kept safe. This will involve regular reviews of who has access privileges, changing computer passwords, anti-virus software and shredding paper waste. Do not leave any sensitive information related to, for instance, bank accounts etc., in the dustbin.
It is all too easy for criminals to obtain private information in this way! You should always strive to make their life as difficult as possible by not letting slip any sensitive data.
Always update practices
If you’ve prevented criminals from accessing your assets and information in one way, they may well then end up looking at other avenues or approaches. So, it is crucial that you update your protection practices and undertake regular security checks internally within your organisation.
Even though criminals are finding it harder to break-in to business premises and steal valuable items, this doesn’t mean to say corporate security should be put on the back burner or forgotten about.
But if your organisation takes the following advice on board and implements these crime prevention measures, your staff should be able to carry out their roles and responsibilities without having to worry about potential security breaches.
You can find many helpful tips, hints and good advice regarding your personal and business security on the Access Facilities Management Blog where there is a comprehensive security related blog.