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External Security Companies

Why Do Companies Use External Security Companies

According to the FSB, the average cost of offline crime per business affected is now £5,898. What’s more, statistics have revealed that a third of small firms believe crime is increasing in their area as well. Despite this, businesses are…

Security Services from Access Facilities Management

What Services can Security Firms Offer for Businesses?

Security firms can offer a wide range of services. These can be useful for a variety of businesses in a wide range of industries. Security services can protect buildings, property, people, equipment, funds, and even employees. Whether your business deals…

Using a Security Company to Protect Your Company

Using a Security Company to Protect Your Company

With average business crime costs hitting nearly £6000, few organisations can afford to ignore or overlook corporate security. By far the easiest and most effective way to protect your own business from crime is to employ the services of a…

Access Facilities Management

Using a Security Company to Prevent Crime

Regardless of your organisation’s size or sector, the FSB recommends that every business should recognise the ever-present threat of theft and crime. But while there are various different ways you can safeguard your property and possessions, a lot can be…

Protecting Employees

Using a Security Company to Protect Your Staff

Adequate security measures will not only safeguard your business’s assets, but also help to protect the wellbeing of your staff. Outsourcing your security needs to a specialist, expert security company tends to allow for much better and more cost-effective security…

Using a Security Company to Protect Your Assets

Using a Security Company to Protect Your Assets

Running a successful business will always involve taking risks.  After all, launching a new product, hiring a new employee or expanding the business are all inherently risky endeavours.  However, smart business owners will always take steps to minimise their exposure…

Corporate crimes

Ways to prevent company and corporate crimes

In addition to providing excellent customer service and maintaining strong profit margins, ensuring your business remains safe and protected against security threats is sure to be a key concern for any business. This is because around 20 per cent of…

Security Company

Benefits of using Security Companies

Security is of paramount importance to businesses of all sizes, from the local corner shop to the international franchise. However, many business owners are reluctant to spend money on services that may not appear to be necessary – until they…

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